Our Story
The NET ministries was conceived in the hearts of Pastors Shann and Celeste Laribo in obedience to the Holy Spirit. The vision of The Net was written after Pastor Shann was released from his job.

Pastor Shann and Celeste Laribo began to hold Bible Study at their home every Saturday, with the first Bible Study only involving nine people. In October 2000, the first service was held and members continued to meet and worship in the Laribos' home until February 2001. During this time The Net found a new home in the Sangaree Middle School Auditorium until May 2001, when services moved to its current location.

As the church continued to grow, many programs were developed, including the men's fellowship and baptismal service. In 2007, the Net's Community Development Corporation was established as a 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization serving the Berkeley and Dorchester counties.

Today The NET International ministries has tremendously grown from those nine dedicated members in 2000. Our dedicated members today continue to labor in over 20 ministries serving Covenant Partners within the church, but also in our community and the surrounding areas.

We encourage you to come and worship with us! We are sure that you will hear a message from God's word that will inspire, motivate, challenge and encourage you.